Compression Molding vs Injection Molding

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The demand for plastic materials is expanding every day with different systems for the material. Thus, there is a need for a comparison of compression molding vs injection molding.

Are there special things about compression molding vs injection molding? Well, this article will tackle it for you. Continue to read as we take you through key things about the two molding processes.

What is Compression Molding?

Compression molding is the molding system that uses pressure and heat. The procedure is by placing the raw plastic material in the cavity of the mold where the heating process happens.

The operator then put the plug onto the upper part of the cavity to close it. The essence of the plug is to apply further pressure on the mold cavity. The pressure and heat melt the raw material to form a new component in the mold cavity.

What is Injection Molding?

Injection molding is the use of ‘injection’ technology to inject raw materials into the cavity of the mold. The procedure is by feeding the material into the hopper with the use of a screw.

Then the heating of the material, and injection of the material into the cavity of the mold. After that, the material cools and forms the shape of the cavity of the mold. The process is the best option for the creation of intricate and complex parts.

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Similarities Between Compression Molding vs Injection Molding

Despite using different techniques, compression molding and injection molding have some similarities.

1. Customized Color

The two processes facilitate the creation of customized colors of plastics. Through the use of pre-mixed colors, the compression and injection molding process produces specific colors.

2. Low-Cost Parts Production

The required tools for the processes need less infrastructure. There is no need for extra molding features apart from the cavity attributes themselves. You can use different molding materials like aluminum and steel grades at a low cost.

3. Reduced Labour Costs

The technological requirements for both molding processes are common. In addition, the processes are straightforward without complete procedures. Operators with basic technical knowledge can handle the whole process.

Differences between Compression Molding vs Injection Molding

We need to compare the two methods of molding to know the more efficient and best option to choose. Some of the differences are:

1. Choose Materials

The choice of materials is very essential when choosing between compression molding vs injection molding. While the two processes use a variety of plastics, some materials are good for each of them.

The best materials for compression molding are epoxy, phenolics, silicone, thermoset polyester, vinyl ester, diallyl phthalate (DAP), and sheet molding compound (SMC). The best materials for injection molding are nylon, polyethylene, polycarbonate, polystyrene, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), and polypropylene.

2. Production Capacity

Injection molding is good for low-volume productions. It is a good option for applications that do not depend on many prototypes of similar shapes. You can use it to check alterations before mass production.

Compression molding is good for high-volume productions. You can use it to produce many prototypes at the same time. It helps one to conduct the needed quality assurance supervision within a short time.

Partner with us for a premium Injection Molding machine

The choice of the molding process depends on your specific applications. As a reputable manufacturer, we produce quality products that meet the needs of our clients. Kindly contact us for your quality injection molding machines.


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